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加拿大联邦总理哈珀 (Stephen Harper) 9月27日发表中秋贺词





Ottawa, Ontario - Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival:

“This evening, Canadians from diverse communities will come together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival.

“Canadians of Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean heritage celebrate this ancient festival during which gratitude is expressed for plentiful harvests. As a country with a strong agricultural tradition, Canadians of all backgrounds may appreciate this joyful celebration.

“Under the full moon, children will gather to light lanterns, and families will share legendary stories and enjoy delicious traditional mooncakes.

“Laureen and I wish all those celebrating a Happy Moon Festival!”

This informaiton is from the office of Minister Jason Kenney of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism

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