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Wednesday, April 15th - Last week, the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism was thrilled to participate in a scholarship award luncheon honouring the volunteer work of international students in British Columbia.

The Fujian Friendship Society and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation partnered to deliver 90 scholarships to international students in university and college who have displayed a true spirit of volunteerism, with the FFS providing scholarship funding and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. linking students with volunteering opportunities.

The Fujian Friendship Foundation works to integrate new Canadians through social programs, volunteering opportunities, and a range of other services. S.U.C.C.E.S.S has as its goal immigrant settlement, with the aim of providing access to the employment opportunities that give immigrant families the chance to succeed.

Also in attendance at the awards lunch was the Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors).

Events like these inspire the next generation of youth to strive toward academic excellence and rewards their efforts to give back to the wider community.

This informaiton is from the office of Minister Jason Kenney of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism.

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